Monday, 9 March 2015

Bump eRaiser : Say goodbye to pesky ingrown hairs!

Bump eRaiser Lotion $16.99 available from

Waxing is one of those very painful but also very necessary beauty rituals that I go through on a bi-monthly basis. My twice a month regular bikini wax takes place at a fuss-free in and out type place and takes no more that 7 painful minutes to complete. Before you scream at your computer like most of my friends scream at my face 'Get laser!' my hair is naturally too fair for it to work even slightly.
After a bikini wax, like most people I will suffer from ingrown hairs, which are the most annoying thing about hair removal. Painful, annoying and irritating ingrown hairs are the worst. Until now I've had no way to help heal ingrown's, Bump eRaiser is a bikini line life saver. It is best used within hours of having a bikini wax done lathered onto the bikini line, whilst the hair follicles are still settling and post wax I use Bump eRaiser post showering when the skin is softened it seems to absorb best then. I have no idea what is in this magical lotion that helps the ingrown hairs from forming or scaring but it has been totally working, if you are like me and laser hair removal challenged I recommend Bump eRaiser post waxing.

xx Nella
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing best Hair Erasing products. Actually I was finding such a products. From hearing you, I'm ensuring to get the products as soon as possible..
