Monday, 30 June 2014

How to print your Instagram memories with Picture Postie

Picture Postie prints are available from all Smart Phones, Instagram & Flikr accounts Pricing ranges from $0.39 - $5.99 per print.

In the era of instant smart phones with photos only a touch screen swipe away the memories are often lost when a phone is left on a bus or accidentally dropped in the washing up sink. 
Here is a big question when was the last time you had a roll of film developed? I've missed photographs in the physical form being a part of my life, the excitement of holding an image which conjures up beautiful memories of an event, time, place or friend.
Picture Postie is a brilliant service which via their app or website allows you to order prints of photos that are saved on your smart phone or from your Instagram or Flickr account. The prints range in sizes but for Instagram images I would advise the 10x10cm size and they can even print onto a canvas! 
Picture Postie, selected random photos from my Instagram account to send to me, which came as a total surprise in the mail. A couple of the images printed were of me with my Grandmother who had sadly passed away 2 weeks prior, I burst into tears because the photos were so special. Because of my rapid uploading to Instagram I had forgotten the photos had even been taken. They are now framed and sit on the mantle alongside photos which were taken the traditional way not looking the slightest bit out of place.

Thank you Picture Postie for the beautiful prints, I cannot wait to order some more in the future. 

xx Nella
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** I was kindly gifted these products for blog consideration. This did not, in any way, influence my opinion on the product. Please refer to my policy and disclaimer for more information.


  1. Love these! Would look amazing hanging on a pin board in my room. Need to look into them now xx

    1. It was so great to meet you at the McPhearsons event last week babe, have been loving your vlogs lately too. Need to checkout that ButtCam! LOL xx
