Sunday, 16 February 2014

Bare Necessities: L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil & Schick Hydro Silk Razor

L'Occitane Almond Showe Oil $36.00 available from, Schick Hydro Silk Razor $14.29 available from

Shaving your legs isn't the most exciting or enjoyable of beauty processes, and I understand why laser hair removal is so popular. But for people like myself laser hair removal is not an option, having light hair and skin the process is a pointless and painful waste of time! (Trust me I have tried.)
L'Occitane's Almond Shower oil together with Schick's Hydro Silk Razor have been my favourite shaving duo which has been making shaving my legs quick and as stress free as possible. If you haven't heard about the much hyped Almond Shower Oil, it is absolute heaven to use to shave your legs eliminating any unnecessary shaving nicks and cuts forever. When applied to your legs in the shower it turns from a thin oil to a thick white cream which makes the razor glide up your legs, I used about a half-teaspoon amount per leg. The Almond Shower Oil's shower side-kick is my new Schick Hydro Silk Razor, they are my shaving's Bonnie & Clyde, Jay Z & Beyonce, Ying &Yang perfect harmonious couple. The Schick Hydro Razor is slim-line and not too bulky and annoying in the shower, the blade head lasts about 3-4 weeks before needing to be changed, it gives a really close shave and doesn't remove and dry skin with shaving which means you won't end up with scaley reptile legs.
Using this shaving power couple over the summer has been a total in shower highlight and anyone who has had the pleasure of touching my legs has had a  'damn girl your legs are so soft!' reaction. 

xxx Nella

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