Monday, 4 February 2013

Ciaté Sequined Manicure : DIY Disco Ball Nails!

Ciaté Sequined Manicre Set $36.00 available from
Ciaté is a UK based nail polish brand which first caught my attention (and every other girl on Pinterest) with their original 'Caviar Manicure' basically non-edible sprinkles on your nails - it was silly and really expensive....obviously sprinkles edible or not aren't going to last long on your nails unless you are the Queen of Sheba who doesn't wash the dishes or brush your own hair.
The Sequined Manicure looked slightly more wearable and practical...only slightly. The application was simple enough....I am give it a maximum wear time of 2 days at most. The finished result is quite pretty although the colours of the glitter pieces are a bit blah; red, blue, green and silver - where's the pink and gold Ciaté? If a girl wants glitter all over her nails obviously she wants the prettiest girliest glitter ever!
This is total marketing genius on Ciaté's part, and if you feel like you need this in your life like I do....I also own over 50 different lipsticks and way over 200 bottles of nail polish so what difference does a Sequined Manicure kit make. Can you re-create this look with a bottle of Clear topcoat of any brand and a little pot of glitter from the craft store? Ummmmmmmmm Duh babe!

1. Paint 1 coat of the 'Sequin Glitter Grip' allow to dry, then paint a second coat on. 'Sequin Glitter Grip' is essentially a very thick and sticky top or base coat.

2. Whist the second coat of 'Sequin Glitter Grip' is still sticky dip your nail into the pot of glitter. 

3. Pat the glitter into place on your nail and brush the excess glitter (and there will be excess glitter EVERYWHERE!) off your fingers/hands/all over your body away with the itty-bitty tiny brush.

So that is essentially all the instructions Ciaté give you, I however added a topcoat because otherwise the glitter would have lasted all of about 7 minutes.

Ciaté Sequined Manicure Kit + Kester Black 'Buttercup' + Revlon Colour Stay Topcoat

Want more babbling about nails? Follow @beautegazette on twitter!

xxx Nella

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